How To Save Hundreds Of Dollars On Groceries By Using Food Box Delivery Services

food box delivery services
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This post is a bit of a weird one in that food box delivery services are not something that I thought I would be talking about, given my blog is about personal finances afterall…

But it's for good reason that I am talking about it.

Because as the title of this post suggests, you can save hundreds of dollars by leveraging the increasing popularity of food delivery services by big named brands such as HelloFresh.

That's why it's relevant to a personal finance blog! 

What Are Food Box Delivery Services?

Most of us are familiar with food box delivery services or meal kits that are delivered to your door (Both essentially refer to the same thing and can be used interchangeably). 

But as I was saying – most of us know what these are. It's when a company delivers meal kits to your door so you don't have to physically go to the grocery store yourself. 

Pretty straightforward. 

In fact, these services have been around for years. 

You might remember those never-ending adverts on TV for brands such as Lite N Easy, which send you pre-made meals that you chuck in the microwave and reheat at a time of your convenience. Simple, quick, easy!

All I’m trying to say is – having meal kits delivered to your door isn't a revolutionary idea.

But it has gotten way more popular!

The big difference today and the reason for why it has gotten so popular – is that there are an increasing number of meal kit services and companies that are no longer focused solely on instant weight loss meals. 

Instead, these companies are trying to get everyday people like you and me to sign up to their meal box delivery services. 

So rather than only target people looking to lose weight, a modern-day food box delivery company addresses a wider segment of customers.

Ask yourself – can you relate to either of the two points below?

  • #1: You want to avoid ordering out at restaurants/Uber Eats for health or savings reasons but don't really know how to cook.
  • #2: You’re happy to cook and prepare a meal but you struggle to come up with recipe ideas or don’t have time to frequently head to the supermarket.

If the answer is yes, then chances are a meal kit delivery service could be appealing to you.

That's because these meal kit companies are trying to promote healthy living by offering alternative cooking and eating habits, that anyone is capable of doing.

It's because of these factors that food box delivery services are becoming increasingly more popular.

But how does this translate to you being able to save hundreds of dollars using these services?

That's where I come in – let me tell you exactly how. 

How To Score Free Groceries Worth Over $200+

Although food box delivery services vary from company to company, it is typical for the company to offer an introductory offer to new customers who sign up as first-time customers.

This introductory offer typically includes sending new customers their first food box for free (or at a hugely discounted rate). They do this to try and capture you as a customer. 

Because after you sign-up, you enter into a subscription where you pay for a new box each week (assuming you don't cancel that is!).

But this is where you can take major advantage of these introductory offers.

Since these are no-lock-in subscriptions, you can cancel at absolutely any time.

So that means that you can sign up, get your free box, and then cancel all before you are charged a cent (sometimes you may need to pay a small delivery fee however). 

You then rinse and repeat this with another food box delivery service company, which means you can get multiple weeks worth of meals for free! 

It's actually incredibly simple to do, which is why I've done it myself several times!

Which Companies Does This Work With?

Since I am from Australia, I can only comment on the Australian companies I have personally used this trick with. 

One such company is HelloFresh, which doesn't just service Australia, but also has operations in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, France, Italy, New Zealand and Japan.

So if you're from one of these countries, then I definitely recommend you try this method out with HelloFresh! 

That's not the only meal kit delivery company that I've used this trick on though!

As you'll see, I have prepared links to two more of the main food delivery services here in Australia.

For all three of these companies, the same 7 steps that are summarized below can be applied to get yourself a free box from each of these companies – worth upwards of over $200 combined!

So, if you're ready to start saving hundreds of dollars on your groceries, then all you have to do is follow these steps:

  1. Click on the unique offers/links I have provided for each company described below.
  2. Navigate to the select box or select a plan menu
  3. Choose how many recipes per week and for how many people you wish to order for 
  4. Enter your details and register for an account
  5. Once you receive your box, cancel your subscription so that you aren't charged again (see step 7 optional).
  6. Enjoy your free box
  7.  OPTIONAL: Often the introductory offer will include a set percentage discount on a future number of boxes after your first box. You may decide to keep your subscription active and use these discounts. If not, then just cancel your subscription as per step 5. 
NOTE: If any of the below deals/offers show as expired, be sure to leave me a comment on this post or reach out to me on my contact page to let me know. I'll do my best to get you a valid offer as soon as possible! 

Disclosure: My website/blog is reader-supported and may contain affiliate links. If you decide to make a purchase through links on my site, I may earn an affiliate commission, at no extra cost to you. You can read my full affiliate disclosure here.

#1 HelloFresh

HelloFresh, which is basically synonymous with food box delivery services, is the most popular within the industry here in Australia. 

If you click on my link below, you will be directed to a HelloFresh introductory offer that gives you up to $165 off!

Specifically, you can up to $125 off your first box, which means you basically get it completely free (you just need to pay the $9.99 delivery fee).

To really make the most of your free box, I recommend choosing the following meal box selection:

  • Number of people: 4
  • Recipes per week: 3

This maximises the number of meal servings you will receive without having to pay any out-of-pocket expenses beyond the shipping fee.

When you're ready, click below to claim your unique offer. 

Claim your free HelloFresh box now

(Use code FIH-PVGQXMEI9SO5 if the discount is not automatically applied to your cart)

#2 Dinnerly

The next food box delivery company on my list is Dinnerly.

Dinnerly is very similar to HelloFresh – offering you a range of meal kit boxes that contain all the ingredients needed to make your own dinners. 

You have the flexibility to choose from a large range of recipes, so everyone will be able to find meals that suit their preferences. 

The discount off your first box isn't as significant as what HelloFresh offers, but you can still order 3 meals per week for two people without having to pay anything other than the shipping cost!

This introductory offer also gives you 25% off the next three boxes after your first box if you do decide to stick around with them (and not cancel your subscription immediately after receiving your first box).

Claim Your Free Dinnerly Box plus get 25% off the next three more boxes

(You can cancel after you get your free box if you would prefer)

#3 Marley Spoon

The final food box delivery company on my list is Marley Spoon. 

Marley Spoon is more or less the same as Dinnerly. In fact, both companies are owned by the same entity! 

You will find that the account management interface is basically identical to Dinnerly, so it makes it nice and easy to navigate if you've already tried out Dinnerly. 

Claim Your Free Marley Spoon Box plus get 25% off the next three more boxes

(The discount will be applied automatically to your cart)

Keep An Eye Out For Future Offers

Once you've signed up for each of these companies, even if you do cancel after you get your free first box – keep an eye out for any promotions they might email you. 

Often these emails will contain discounts that make it worthwhile ordering another box. 

Not only that, but if you cancel your subscription with these services, after a few months they may offer you another free box to try and win your subscription back.

This is personally what I have been doing! To date I've probably received around 9 or so boxes total for free by following this method!

That's close to $1000 in savings in groceries – which if you ask me isn't bad at all!

That's all I've got for this post!

Let me know what you think about utilising food box delivery services to save on your grocery bills!

I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

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